Types vs. Interfaces Comparison : which is Best

TypeScript, often described as a superset of JavaScript, introduces optional static typing and many other features to the JavaScript language. This enhancement amplifies JavaScript codebases’ maintainability, scalability, and reliability and paves the way for superior tooling, enriched documentation, and seamless developer collaboration.

We aim to highlight the distinction between types and interfaces in TypeScript. By delving into their functionalities and everyday use cases, we aspire to equip you with the knowledge to utilize them effectively in your TypeScript journey.

What are Types and Interfaces?

Types vs. Interfaces Comparison

In the realm of TypeScript, both types and interfaces serve as powerful tools to define the shape and structure of data. While they might seem similar at first glance, they have distinct purposes and capabilities.

  • Types: TypeScript allows developers to define custom types using the type keyword. These can range from simple aliases for primitive types to complex type definitions for objects and functions.
  • Interfaces: Interfaces, on the other hand, primarily focus on shaping object structures. Extended by other interfaces, classes can be implemented and even merged to create composite interfaces.

Illustrative Examples

To better grasp the concept, let’s delve into some examples:


type User = {

  name: string;

  age: number;



interface IUser {

  name: string;

  age: number;


Tips and Best Practices: Types vs. Interfaces

  1. Use Cases: If you aim to define object shapes or class contracts, interfaces are your go-to. Lean towards using types for union types, intersections, or tuple types.
  2. Extensibility: Interfaces are inherently extendable and can be merged, making them ideal for scenarios where you anticipate extensions in the future.
  3. Consistency: Stick to one approach within a project or module to maintain consistency. If you start with interfaces, continue using them unless there’s a compelling reason to switch to types.
  4. Performance: From a compilation standpoint, there’s no significant difference between types and interfaces. However, interfaces might offer better editor support and error messages in some scenarios.

Both types and interfaces are indispensable tools in the TypeScript toolkit. Your choice between them should hinge on the specific requirements of your project and the nuances of each tool.

Types vs. Interfaces in TypeScript

In TypeScript, both types and interfaces are fundamental constructs that allow developers to define the shape and structure of data. However, their usage, capabilities, and underlying philosophies differ. Let’s delve into their official definitions and insights from experts to understand their distinctions.

Types in TypeScript

Types in TypeScript provide a mechanism to define the shape of data using type annotations. They serve as a blueprint for the kind of data a variable can hold.

Expert Insights:

  • Versatility: Types are incredibly versatile. They can be employed to define a wide array of data shapes, including primitive types (like string numbers), object types, union types (e.g., string | number), function types, and more.

Type Aliasing: One of the powerful features of types is the ability to create aliases. This means you can give a new name to an existing type or even combine multiple types. For instance:

type StringOrNumber = string | number;

  • Flexibility with Properties: Types allow the definition of optional properties or parameters using the? Symbol. Additionally, they can specify default values for properties or parameters.

Interfaces in TypeScript

Interfaces in TypeScript are a means to define contracts or standards that objects should conform to. They outline an object’s expected shape, ensuring that it adheres to the specified structure.

Expert Insights:

  • Object Contracts: The primary use case for interfaces is to define object types. They can specify required properties and optional properties using the? Symbol, or even read-only properties.

Class Contracts: Interfaces can be implemented by classes, ensuring that the class adheres to the contract. This includes having specific public or private members or methods. For instance:

interface Person {

  name: string;

  greet(): void;


class User implements Person {

  name: string;

  greet() {

    console.log(`Hello, ${this.name}!`);



  • Function Contracts: Interfaces can also define function types beyond objects and classes. They can specify the function’s signature, including required or optional parameters and return values.

Key Differences:

  1. Extensibility: Interfaces are inherently extensible. They can be extended using the extended keyword, allowing for the creation of composite interfaces. Types, while versatile, don’t support this kind of extension.
  2. Declaration Merging: Interfaces support declaration merging. If you declare an interface with the same name multiple times, TypeScript will merge them. Types don’t support this feature.
  3. Literal vs. Contractual: Types are often seen as a way to describe data shapes in a more literal sense, capturing a snapshot of the data’s structure. Interfaces, conversely, are more about defining contracts that objects or classes must adhere to.

In conclusion, while there’s an overlap in the capabilities of types and interfaces in TypeScript, they each have unique strengths and use cases. Your choice between them should be informed by the specific needs of your project and a clear understanding of what each construct offers.

Common Use Cases for Types and Interfaces in TypeScript

In TypeScript, both types and interfaces are pivotal in ensuring type safety and defining data structures. Let’s explore some of the most common use cases for each, drawing from official documentation and insights from TypeScript experts.

Types in TypeScript

Union Types: One of the standout features of types is the ability to define union types. This allows a variable to be of multiple types.

type StringOrNumber = string | number;

Intersection Types: Types can combine multiple types into one, ensuring that the resulting type has properties of all the combined types.

type Named = { name: string };

type Aged = { age: number };

type Person = Named & Aged;

Tuple Types: Tuple types come in handy when you want to represent a fixed number of elements with known types but potentially different types.

type Coordinates = [number, number];

Type Aliasing: Types can be used to give a new name to an existing type, making the code more readable and maintainable.

type UserID = string;

Defining Function Types: Types can be employed to define the signature of a function, specifying the types of its parameters and return value.

type GreetingFunction = (name: string) => string;

Interfaces in TypeScript

Defining Object Shape: Interfaces are commonly used to define the shape of objects, specifying which properties should exist and their types.

interface Car {

  brand: string;

  year: number;

  startEngine(): void;


Class Implementation: When you want a class to adhere to a specific structure or contract, interfaces are the tool of choice.

interface Animal {

  name: string;

  makeSound(): void;


class Dog implements Animal {

  name: string;

  makeSound() {




Extending Interfaces: Interfaces can be extended, allowing for the creation of new interfaces that inherit properties from one or more existing interfaces.

interface Person {

  name: string;


interface Employee extends Person {

  jobTitle: string;


Function Interfaces: Just as with types, interfaces can be used to define the signature of functions.

interface SearchFunc {

  (source: string, subString: string): boolean;


Indexable Types: Interfaces allow you to define objects that can be indexed in a specific way.

interface StringArray {

  [index: number]: string;


While both types and interfaces in TypeScript offer overlapping functionalities, they each shine in specific scenarios. Types are particularly useful when you must define new, complex types that might not be based on existing structures. On the other hand, interfaces are the go-to when defining contracts that objects, classes, or functions must adhere to. Understanding these common use cases can guide developers in making informed decisions in their TypeScript projects.

Choosing Between Types and Interfaces in TypeScript

In TypeScript, the choice between types and interfaces can sometimes be a matter of personal preference, but there are specific scenarios where one might be more suitable than the other. Drawing from official documentation and expert insights, here are some tips and best practices to guide your decision-making:

Consider the Use Case:

Types: Opt for types when you need flexibility in defining data shapes. This includes scenarios like union types, intersection types, tuple types, and more.

Interfaces: Choose interfaces when you’re aiming to define a structured contract that objects, classes, or functions should adhere to.


Types: While types are versatile, they don’t support extensions in the same way interfaces do.

Interfaces: Interfaces can be extended using the extends keyword, making them ideal for scenarios where you anticipate future extensions or when you want to create composite interfaces.

Declaration Merging:

Types: Types don’t support declaration merging. If you declare a type with the same name multiple times, TypeScript won’t merge them.

Interfaces: Interfaces, on the other hand, support declaration merging. This means if you declare an interface with the same name more than once, TypeScript will merge them into a single interface.

Performance and Compilation:

Types: From a compilation standpoint, there’s no significant performance difference between types and interfaces. However, types can sometimes lead to longer compilation times if overly complex.

Interfaces: Interfaces might offer better editor support, leading to clearer error messages and improved autocompletion in some scenarios.

Consistency is Key:

Regardless of whether you choose types or interfaces, it’s crucial to maintain consistency within a project or module. If a project predominantly uses interfaces, continuing with that is a good practice unless there’s a compelling reason to switch to types.

Documentation and Community:

When working on shared or open-source projects, consider the community’s preference or the project’s existing documentation. Some projects prefer either types or interfaces and aligning with that can make collaboration smoother.

Literal vs. Contractual:

Types: Think of types as a way to describe data shapes in a more literal sense. They capture a snapshot of the data’s structure.

Interfaces: Interfaces are more about defining contracts. They set a standard to adhere to objects, classes, or functions.


If you anticipate that a data shape might evolve or be extended, interfaces might be a better choice due to their extensibility.

Simplicity and Readability:

For simpler data structures or when creating type aliases, types can be more concise and readable.

Interfaces can provide clearer semantics for more complex structures, especially when defining contracts for classes.

The decision between types and interfaces in TypeScript isn’t always black and white. It often hinges on the specific requirements of your project and the nuances of each construct. By understanding the strengths and weaknesses and considering the tips and best practices mentioned above, you can make informed choices that enhance the quality and maintainability of your TypeScript code.

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